Sunday, March 7, 2010

Should Students include video with their college applications?

Should Students include video with their applications?

To Impress, Tufts Prospects Turn to YouTube


For their videos, some students sat in their bedrooms and talked earnestly into the camera, while others made day-in-the-life montages, featuring buddies, burgers and lacrosse practice. A budding D.J. sent clips from one of his raves, with a suggestion that such parties might be welcome at Tufts.

A few students created elaborate productions.

“We’ve got some who are really good with the technology,” Mr. Coffin said. “There’s a real technical savvy out there in this generation, and this lets them show off their splicing, their stop action, their animation. Some of the engineering applicants show us what they’ve made. One kid is talking, and then all of a sudden, he’s in the water, to show off his underwater camera.”

So, what do colleges think?

We asked several colleges to respond, here is what they said:

CB: Video submissions should be allowed IMO, but definitely should not become a required part of the process.

LU: We don't think colleges should add student video submissions this could discriminate students from poorer backgrounds with no filming acces

CA: Sure. What's your take? Are videos hip and fun and helpful, or are they just a distraction?

TT: Tough call, depends on what you are looking for. If the major needs personality, yes. For Elec Engineers not necessary :)

AJ: Video accompanying an application is, IMHO, a great plus. But then the school would have to take time to watch it, which might discourage it

AM: No. Video is too intimidating for the student.

CW: Good @TuftsUniversity Youtube app paving way for a new form of college app? It certainly gives students a chance to be creative!

SM: As long as it is an OPTION (like Tufts) than I don't see any harm!

HL: Since we're becoming a culture of mass online video, webinars, video confs, etc. it seems like a natural to me.

So, what do you think?